Friday, March 30, 2007

Hawak-Kamay Photo Montage -- The Morning Glory

Hawak-Kamay Photo Montage -- The Morning Glory


Hawak Kamay by Yeng Constantino of the band "The Morning Glory"

The Morning Glory:
Kevin - Drums
Dennis - Keyboards
Paul - Guitars
Emerson - Bass
Yeng - Vocals

Apearances by:
Up Dharma Down
Si Mayonnaise
Lougee of Mojofly
Yung naka green
Mga Audience
At Iba Pang Tao


photo montage created by ©PineChants eXclusive

©2006 PineChants

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

iBANG! item no.007

The Top 25
Funny Friendster Profiles

If you haven't checked your Friendster account in a while, here's a
peek at what you've been missing (lucky you!)

25] Ayumi
Occupation: student
Companies: rockers companies!
Hobby: chating!!
wants to meet "pretty girls!! only!! hehes!!"
[Bakit kaya installment? Read this with feelings for maximum appreciation. Complete with the pauses.]

24] catherine joyii
Affiliations: Catholic
"dont lyk pipol hu r very: PLASTIKS, pa EPAL, LIARS and anything na
mga BAD ATTITUDE I like hu r vry gud....
[Huh? Who?]!!! "and if u
want me to ur friend, jaz aDD me uP"
[Bang! Bang!]

23] giriz
Affiliations: Bsta Nilalang sa EarTh pro luv c God
[Oh... And what do we have here?]
"i like" play badminton." [Me don't like.]

22] alexandra rose sobida
About Her: long hair, bolding eyes
[Hmm... meaning?], red lips and long life [Amen!]
Who She Wants to Meet: a spiecial boy in my hole life forever and
[Amen ulit!]

21] jOnah-nUevE 'kikAy fOe RiL'
Companies: oN mAh hiStOry.. wYL i WAs On A mAll hOppiNg.. sUmvody
GAve mE A stArstruck fOrM... HAhA! itz kinDA wEiRD.... wAtZ uP wit
dAt huH?
[What's up with YOU???]

20] Jean
Companies: Schools
[Puwede naman...]
Affiliations: Cristianity
[Yun na!]
Who I Want to Meet: "be always respect the universal trademark clan
within the highest organization"
[Oh. My Gadddd. This could be the motherese of them all grand statements, don't you think?]

19] -aNnA-
MaArtE,SEnSItive, SuPlAdITa, FRiEnDly, fAshiOnIStA, KikAy, AtTraCtiVe
AnD EveRytHinG NiCE THaT Was Me!!
[Was ba talaga?] MaTaLinO (ThEReS
No OnE IN THiS WoRLd hAs stUpId MiNDs)
[You might want to reconsider
mAaRte aKo PeRo InDi AkO mAlAnDE-jUZ DOn'T EvEr jUdGe Me cOz
yOu dONt mE aT AlL....
[Huh?] AND ..... YoU MuZ ReMEmBeR eVeRYtHinGs
hAs a reAsONS..... DoNt ! DArE mE COz YoU DoNt knOw wHaT CaN I dO
parang clueless ka din naman eh.]
SoMe peopLe dOnT UnDErSTaNd WhAT Is
my aTtItUde BUt dOnT JuDgE aNyOnE...... .. i pRoTeCT my fRieNdS...aNd
pRoTeCt YoUrs :)
[I sure will-from you.]

18] -GEniE Lou-
aBouT me????
[Eh kailangan pa ba namang i-reiterate na about you ito?] A persOn wHo is veRy conservative, have positive outlook in lyf, suMtyms I brEak pRomises dat can cause someone angry w/ me [Grrrrr!!! Nakakagalit talaga!].... im very productive person... everytime i do some task or deeds i will make a plan 1st b4 i go 4
it. im very fond ! in listening 2 musizzzz im da type of person dat
tells frankly
[And Frankly would be... your best friend's name?]
who i want to meet?????? so there it goes.....
[There it goes indeed!]... ... *a person dat can give advices 2 me f i want some support. i mostly hate person nga snobbish kaau*

17] -sTaY ovErLoaD-
Hometown: TaGuiG..ThE FLazE To bEE..MaHoGanY
[Yes naman!]
Occupation: boniFiEd
[na-Boni? Ano?] and cErTiFied HeavEn
ringEr..aLpha MaN..
[Meaning...? ]
Affiliations: aFiLL-FuLL and ThuguFuLL..ThEY r grEaT jusT 4 onE nigHT
buT iM grEaT evErY nigHT!!
[Something tells me that... nah... 'wag na lang. Think what you want.]

16] maria princesa
caption ng picture: "am i look good"
Affiliations: An roman catholic
Favorite TV Shows: OPHRA
[Of-ra ba kamo?]
About Her: Me......... hmmmmmm ...... simpl! e and always
happy....... . i know you've get it.......... .
[Actually, hindi.]
wants to meet "somebody who has a sen se of humor and simple gets"
[Simple gets. Maghanap ka ng ibang kausap, 'ne!]

15] PrEtty StEpS IV
Affiliations: vOLLeYBaLL pLaYeR, cOLLeGe sTuDeNt, pARt tiMe MoDeL (iN
[Huy, gising!], ChEEr DanCER & UR fRiEnDLiEsT nEiGhBoR iN
ToWn......!! !!
[Aba, waynat?!]
"I wud nEver faLL again fOr soMeOne he's hEad oVer heeLs wiTh
[So you're into girls...?] iN Comes To A rELATIONShIP I am faiTHfuL aNd
sweet I haTes aNd curSes pLayErs
[Playaz beware!] I am eMoTioNaL, I
lisTens to My mind buT I stiLL foLLows My heart
[Gollum? Is this
someone U Can tRUsT On
artista. Love lots ba?]

14] masaaki
Affiliations: Governor
[Sa bagay, puwede nga namang he's affiliated with the governor... pero mali eh...! Maliiiiii!]
Hobbies and Interests: play guitar and to be band
About Him: cOoL... taLL.... sMarT.... & mO$t oF th! aT tRuth
[As in "mahal ang katotohanan" o "true lover" ba dapat?]
ha..ha...ha. ...ha.... .ha..... eVerythiNgs' trUth
[Words of wisdom from Masaaki * Palakpakan *]

13] -lil LiZ-
"rOcKeRz!! n pUnKz!!!! ASTIG!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!"
[Yeah. Sure.]
Affiliations: tEnNaGe LiFe!!
[Double dead ito. Mali na, wrong spelling pa. Tsk.]
Favorite Movies: chukie 1 and 2
[Chukie? Malamang habulin ka talaga ng saksak ng manikang 'to dahil na-misspell mo yung pangalan niya.]
wants to meet "ANYONE. if ya want to know more just sen me a message!!"
[Once again, no tenks.]

12] adora
Companies: companies of CUTE PERSON [Yeah. What. Ever.]
Favorite Movies: thombraider [Thom the Braider daw? Ano?]
"ME...a simple GOD creature
[Right... Of course you are], a high
[Feeling unggoy.] & aggressive person, i want a new clothes,
[Aba. At may wishlist pa!] some of my other descriptions
are---->friendly, jealousy, cute, honest..."
[Just what exactly was she trying to do here again?]
"i love spaghetty"
[Aaah... ako, spaghetti ang gusto ko.]
Who I Want to Meet: A CUTE PERSON..and i hate a person who has a BAD
IMAGE like being ignored, finishing second, hand-me-downs, waiting,
LIAR, forgetfullnes, haste, feeling ignorant, vulgarity, ugliness,
[May kaunting kaguluhan.]

11] Breeks
Favorite Music: stay w/ cushe, the day u said gudnyt w/ hale, kahit
pa w/ hale again, specialy 4 u w/ MYMP, tell me y it herts
[Eh ilang
kilo Hertz ba iyan?]
w/ MYMP again, love moves in mysteriuos ways w/
NINA ehehehe!!!!
About Me: im a person n siryoso pro happy ksm en i dont like sa mga
pipol n plastik gus2 ko ung dldl
["Daldal" pala 'to. Akala ko naman
kung ano...]
pro my sen ce ung cnsabi en real... im sure n mag
kksundo tyo!!! Practically
[Baka "basically." ] i want pretty girls
but honestly i like mostly girls who are nice to accompany
service ba ang hanap niyo?]
and not malandi ...waaaaah i hope i cud
fyn special one !!!
[Lord, ang sakit na talaga ng ulo ko.]

10] Geneveve
Occupation: business women
[Marami siguro silang may-ari ng account na 'to.]
Affiliations: business
Hobbies: watcing tv
About her: beutiful and honest
wants to meet... i want ta meet people is simple only
[Good luck with that.]

09] -'kEiXi'-
Hometown: nAVOetAst
[In truth, NAVOTAS. Haaaay. Baketttttttttt? ????]
About Me: aqOuh??
[Hindi-ako daw...].. cHimPle LAng.. bUT cAn maKE
yUr hEAd tURn
[Feel ko na nga mag-a la-Exorcist this far eh.] ,,
*HoTcHiC**sEXy dAw..cHAvii nG mGAh fWEnDz qEw
[Masyado kang
nagpapaniwala. ...]
.. sVi qEw nAMn.. mAdAnDa aqEw.. maArTE?/..sObra
** hiHi.. nDi mHEii mAarTE.. kAla nYOuh lAng yUn,, kSHi cHigURo .. yU
fOUnd mE.. wEAriNg uNiqUe eAriNgs..
[So...?] USing mAkEuP.. oWeYs
lOoKing mY fACe in tHE mirror.. mAarTE bAh yUN?
[Hindi naman masyado]
who i want to meet: "xA aCcoUnt qEw..kHit cHiNU pwEde.. kHit ikA'y
mUkhang .. tAtaNgAPEn kiTAh bsTAh bAH TEZti cOUh
[Yuneeeeeeee! !! Testimonial pala ang habol.]

08] SheZzO GraniTy
Hometown: AurOrA wEr CrimE iS OrGaniZeD
[Ingat dito mga kapatid.] En
ThA RuLe 2 FoLLoW
[Is what...?]
Schools: sTa.cLarA wEr pLenTy oF mUrdErEr OccUrS
[Tandaan ang
paaralang ito-'wag ie-enroll ang mga bata dito.]

Affiliations: ThuG BaLLa bAbY oF kArEn rOsE
About Me: i CamE FrOm a SmaLL TowN wEr oL ThA GenGsTerS- kiLLahZ-
DruG DeaLahZ- YounG bLoOdS- LiVin aLonE AnD biG TyM SinDiCaTe ArE
[Ito pala ang nuknukan... Ano ba'ng number sa police station?]

07] gummibear
About Me:"im kaRReL.. iM a giRL hu oLweZ waNa b HappY buT jSt cnT b!
I cAn eiTHer b sEriouS oR siLLy... liBeraTed,,fuN. .no worrieS.. iM a
prActiCal woMan n I eiTHer
[Baka naman "I'd rather..."] Lose mY heart
dAN my bRaiNS..
[So which one DID you lose? Clue naman diyan...] it'S
harD 2 piCk uP d piEceS oF my liFe..,, veRy comPlicaTed. . buT noT
[Ano ba talaga? Complicated ba o hindi?] i dNt bLiV iN dEsTinY
iM abouT reALiTy., uR liFE iS in uR hAnds//// so uR d 1 hu coMpLicaTe
[No, no, no-YOU complicate it.]

06] christopher
Hobbies: lapping trip
[Macho dancer in da house!]; tambay; sound trip; gumala
My Looks: punkiztah
[Eh talaga bang kailangan 'to?]

05] lady biolente
caption ng picture: "it's meh,panget koh d2 bat kya!!! hehehe"
[Hmm... bakit nga kaya?]
Occupation: collage student
[Wow. BA Collage ba 'yan? Sana nag-fine
arts ka na lang para diverse tapos major in collage!]

Movie: the ant
[At starring sino naman kaya?]
About her: ahm.......about meeh!!!??? ATTITUDE? kind,suplada minsan..
pro most of da tym mabait meeeh..., makulit, lagi na nka-smyl
ngaun... talented pa! i can dance. i can sing....i can fly basta ba
my wings, eh...he!he!he!
[Feeling langaw.] OUTLOOK? syempre
maganda,noh! alangan nmn laitin k ang sarili koh...height koh? 5'3''
ASSET KOH? my legs sbi nila.... taken na meehh....... ...should I say
[No. Utang na loob, paki intindi ng mga pinagsusulat niya.]

04] Anthony
Affiliations: hardcore serial killer/frustrated assassin, computer
[Malamang "describe yourself" ang pagkakaintindi niya dito.]
Favorite Movie: Harry Potter all the movies that were already shown
and including the one's that is still being made
[Wow, advanced.]
Favorite Music: alternative, rock, mellow, pop, kahit ano basta hale
o cueshe
[Aba, very seasoned ah.]
About Me: im just a person who sit's silently on one corner
And stay there.]

03] -pRettY cAng-
Favorite Music: ACOUSTIC...reggea
"me?? im just a simple girl... hmmm... sometimes im othistic"
[Ayuneeeee! Ops, wala akong sinabi...! It came straight right out of the proverbial horse's mouth!]
"loves 2 eat but still sexy and i carry myself very well with the way
I look and the way i dress."
[Why don't we just take her word for it?]
"when it comes to my character, i reflect myself as a conforming one
because i have tested myself of doing things which anticipated to be
[Tissue, please. Dumudugo ang ilong ko.]

02] lito
Companies: wa lang. im just in the class room seating on my chair and
flerting with gurls.......
[Tsk, tsk. Yur a beri bud boi ah!]
TV Shows: Whos line is that?
[Nabitin sa title.] and teleseryes
About him: I am a 19 year old strait guy, and i love doing creative
stuff and having fun.... entering personal relationships with girls
and guys even gays is okey with me as long as they are mature and
responsible enough to hundle a relationship. By the way!!!
Naninigaw siya!]
before, I was against bisexual relationships en even
sexual intercoarses
[Papel de liha daw. Magaspang eh.] between same
sexes, that was me before that memorable night happen to me when i
was in 4th year highschool.. ..
[Sus! Baka mabasa 'to ng mga magulang

Sa inyong pagbaybay sa kanyang fantasy land
[aka friendster profile-
"about me" section]
kung maaari lamang po'y 'wag niyong kaligtaan
bigyan ng pansin ang mga sumusunod:
permission to my parents
["Licking" 'to actually.]
[Hala. Kulang. Baka 1 lang din ang kanya.]
[believe me, he meant "stroking."]
doing our staff i realizes

01] maricel
Occupation: looking a job
[Magandang career 'yan.]
Hobbies: dancing, chatting, reading book, outting outdoors
outdoors... hmm. I wonder...]

Favorite Book: The Purpose Driven in life
[Ito ba talaga ang title ng
aklat na ito?]
M! usic: fashions [Maaari bang bigyang linaw ninyo kung anong
nagaganap dito?]

About Me: i'm maricel.. who loves serving the Lord...i love dancing..
singing... going beaches... outings.. goin out.. window shopping..

Source: bobongpinoy mailing list



Gig ng bandang Homicide.
sa Wantai bar. Bago mag San Mateo, Pagkalampas ng tulay.

March 24, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

NO NEED TO EXPLAIN -- a.silent.scream.production

Start:     Mar 24, '07 7:00p
Location:     WANTAI BAR and RESTAURANT, Banba, San Mateo, Rizal
a silent scream production


.lola mama
.past few days
.riot oink
.cast of characters
.psycho critical
.juilain's date
.bad hair day
.choco bot suicide
.apology accepted
.full stop
.and many more

Banba, San Mateo, Rizal

[50 bucks -- consumable. 1 FREE BEER or any drink]

Sunday, March 18, 2007


i finally found a way on how to install CBOX on multiply. WHEW!

so if want to chat, message, ask, comment, just shout it out. cbox me. ^_^

thank you!

SMB (Sa Mt. Banahaw)

STI Marikina Outbound Education at Mt. Banahaw Complex 2, Sariaya Quezon.

March 17, 2007, Saturday.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Love Story
One clever summer day at Japan you see
the most extraordinary creature you
have ever seen. Their name is Mariel ,
and every move she makes just turns you
on more and more. You nudge your best
friend Chelo and say, "Wow, that has to
be the most pretty body I have ever
seen." Suddenly, she looks in your
direction and starts walking right
towards you!!! she says, "I noticed you
staring at me from over there. I just
had to tell you, that I think you are so
hot , and was wondering if you'd like
to go to under the cherry blossom tree
with me and shoot photos ?" With a
stupid smile on your face you say, "
what the hell? " and go with them. When
you finally get to under the cherry
blossom tree , she moves closer to you,
and gives you the biggest kiss ever. The
two of you are passionately kissing,
when you feel a music hit you on the
back of the head. You open your eyes to
find out it's all a dream, but there is
a note left next to your bed.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ozine Fest 2007

Start:     Apr 1, '07 10:00a
End:     Apr 1, '07 8:00p
Location:     SM Mega Mall, Mega Trade Hall 2
Brace yourself as we set another event that will surely bring you another unforgettable day, as Otakuzine Anime Magazine presents the third installment of their anticipated annual event, Ozine Fest ‘07 that is set on the 1st of April 2007 at the SM Megatrade Hall 2.

This event will surely be another memorable one. Dubbed as one of the best con ever attended in the year 2006 where Ozine Fest was held at Le Pavillon, Metropolitan Park while Ozine Fest ‘05 was held at the Galleria Trade Hall last December 18, 2005. Regardless of where both events were held, Ozine Fest ‘05 and ‘06 were literally jampacked by anime fans and enthusiasts.

Entrace fee is: Php 100.00

We will also be giving away special loot bags containing out of the ordinary freebies for the early birds. The special loot bags will be given to the first 150 people to arrive at the venue. The 151st and up to arrive won’t go anywhere without getting some freebies as well. The earlier the person, the better gift packs to be received.

Pre Sold tickets will also be available at the following branches of Neutral Grounds:

- Robinsons Galleria
- Glorietta
- SM Megamall (Inside Filbars)
- Alabang Town Center
- V-Mall
- Robinsons Place Manila
- SM South Mall
- SM Fairview


#Anime Trivia

#Art Contest
- 7 to 12
- 13 and above

#Cosplay Competition
- Doujin Cosplay
- Individual Cosplay
- Group Cosplay

#Eating Contest
- Azuma's Bread
- Chouji's Potato Chips
- Gohan's Gohan
- Naruto's Ramen
- Mirmo's Chocolate
- Ryoma's Ponta Drinking

#Karaoke Contest
#SD Gundam Kit Comp.
#Speed Drawing Contest

Spartans at the mall

We're going to watch 300 at Robinson's Place Cainta. Dahil maaga pa kami, nagliwaliw muna kami.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Lost Nagaraya

Zhan's pre-birthday celebration.

I met six new friends.

Zhan, Harold, Shy, Api, Randy and Hazel
(patawarin ako sa mga spelling ng names)


Thursday, March 8, 2007

'Apoy Sa Dibdib Ng Samar' FULL TRAILER

Mark Lapid

Roy Vinzon

Elizabeth Oropesa

Dick Israel

Cristine Reyes

"Sa pag-ibig, kaaway man ang damdamin, puso pa rin ang susundin"

Best Catch Phrase:


Sa direksyon ng
Jose 'Kaka' Balagtas (KDPP)


"Malapit na maghalo ang balat sa tinalupan!"
-Mark Lapid