Saturday, April 26, 2008

Multiply Ethics 101: Annoying Group Messages

No. 001 "Group-Personal" Messages
"We love to be informed but we hate to be annoyed."

This is where sending of Personal Messages to Multiple (more than one) recipients come in. Do consider the following tips.

  1. Avoid sending Personal Messages to Multiple recipients, especially if you are not sure if the contacts you add appreciate a personal message that will repetitively pop up each time someone replies to the message. Another option is to simply post it as a BLOG... not a "Group Personal Message".

  2. Create legit groups for "Group Messaging". Ask the contacts' permission first, if he wants to receive. Group Messages from you. If no permission is given do not include him in the post.

  3. Do not reply to these kinds of Messages, better yet, send a "PERSONAL REPLY" to the person who posted the message. Do not reply to the post itself.

  4. Consider the first three tips, and you wont end up creating SPAMS on

"Happy Multiplying!!!"

Takin' it Ova!

Genre: Other
Artist:International Superheroes of Hardcore
Release date: April 29, 2008

  1. ISHC Theme Song
  2. Screamo Screamo Gotta Go
  3. Captain Straight Edge
  4. Seat Belt
  5. Madball's Got Our Back
  6. Fashion Show
  7. Back To The Future
  8. Superhero Sellouts
  9. Just Like Dr. Jones
  10. Hardcore Hokey Pokey
  11. Dirty Mouth
  12. Ebay Revenge

Joining the ranks of the Aquabats and the Pheneomenauts to save the planet from appalling music and to promote fun are the International Superheroes of Hardcore. As of late, dudes with more expensive haircuts than their girlfriends sporting a wardrobe that crossdressers would envy are claiming the hardcore genre. Thankfully, in true superhero fashion the good guys have arrived at the last second to rescue the world from impending disaster! ISHC are not flashy inconspicuous nerds like Spiderman or Batman who lead personal lives as Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, respectively. Instead, these five musicians relate more to the X-Men and do not conceal their identity, instead wearing their pride on their costumes -- I assume all members own a closet full of basketball jerseys.

There are four unique regulations that every assembly of superheroes must comply with: a theme song, superpowers, a leader, and a logo. ISHC accomplish all four within two minutes. Their anthem begins with a brutal spinkick fireball combo to Superman's chest, knocking his emblem into the center of a sweat soaked circle pit, leaving only the fierce Captain Straight Edge to snag it off the floor while grabbing some spare change to fund a 7 inch in the process. Of course his right-hand man The Amazing Breakdown has his back in case the push mosh gets out of hand.

Occasionally superheroes have to put up with common thugs. Remember that time you sold your Shai Hulud vinyl on eBay after their umpteenth breakup and the buyer never paid? Well don’t worry, because ISHC will help you get your bank back with a few chugga chugga riffs. Freddy Madball’s even got their back and that dude carries a gun, so you know you’re covered.

The Superhero faction, much like the modern day hardcore scene, is crowded with phonies. Captain Straight Edge, The Amazing Breakdown, Mr. Mosh, Chugga Chugga, and Sgt. Soy call them out on "Superhero Sellouts" exposing the likes of the Fantastic Four, Judge Dredd and more for selling out to the movie industry. Batman also catches the ferocity of a wall of death for ruining the hardcore scene in Gotham City. Hopefully they can do something about that Tony Brummel villain next, he shares an uncanny resemblance with Lex Luther, don’t you think?

Saving the world is not a simple task and the heroes of the world certainly need to relax -- everyone knows that there is no better way to have fun than hardcore dancing to a siq breakdown. Oh what's that, you don't know how to hardcore dance? Well there is no need to worry as the "Hardcore Hokey Pokey" will teach you everything you need to know about head-walking to windmills.

The world is lucky to have a group as dedicated as the International Superheroes of Hardcore to protect us from the ills of the music industry. So be sure to support them by throwing a parade in your city or at least picking up this record. There's only a thousand available, so much like owning The Amazing Spiderman issue #1, it will be quite the collector's item down the road.

Hear them!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

American Adobo ala Travis Kraft

Galing sa famous video sa Youtube na gawa ni Travis Kraft.

  • Apat ng pehruhsaw ng manahk
  • Bowung
  • Sabuyaz
  • Dahon nung laurel
  • manteekah
  • Sookah
  • Towyo
  • @
  • Pemintah

  1. Una, paa-nitin eng kawaley
  2. Tapows hiwain ng maliliit ang bow-wung
  3. Ngayawn hiwain ng maliliit ang sauyaz
  4. Lawgyan ng kawnting manteekah
  5. Ilagay ang bowung hung-gun magin golden-brown
  6. Ihalow ang sibuyaz
  7. Tapos ilagay ang manak
  8. Sangkuchahin
  9. Ilagay ang dahown ng lao-rel
  10. Ilagay ang sookah at towyoh
  11. Haluin @ tekpan
  12. Heyeeng ko-moo-loo ng ten to fifteen minutes hanggang maabzorb ng manak eng sengkep
  13. Petehyin ang kah-luhn, lagyan ng konting pahmintah

HAYAN! Handa na ang Adobong Manahk

Kainan na!


ung suhrap-suhrap!

KFC Gravy

Masarap na KFC gravy, isabaw sa kanin!

Gawa na!

1 tablespoon vegetable shortening
5 tablespoons all−purpose flour
1 can Campbell's chicken broth (plus 1 can of water)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon MSG or Accent Flavor Enhancer
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

First make a roux by combining the shortening with 1 1/2 tablespoons of flour in a medium saucepan over low heat. Heat the mixture for 20−30 minutes, stirring often, until it is a dark chocolate color. Remove the roux from the heat, add the remaining ingredients to the saucepan and stir. Put the saucepan back over the heat, turn it up to medium and bring the gravy to a boiling. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes, or until thick. Makes about 3 cups.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008